Moved [adjective]

Definition of Moved:


Synonyms of Moved:

Opposite/Antonyms of Moved:

Sentence/Example of Moved:

The spirit of the strong man was moved, and he trembled like a leaf shaken by the wind.

He took his uncle up in his strong arms, and moved toward the stairs.

Twas a wild goose chase, and I wot not what moved me to run after it.

The original owners of these farms had moved into Egypt years and years ago.

His shoulders over-flowed the back of his chair, which creaked whenever he moved.

Henry moved forward to interfere once more, but this time he was not needed.

We have agreed all to be moved, or none; and not to comply without one another.

Mr. Disraeli, in the Commons, moved the rejection of the bill.

Mr. Maguire moved that the House consider the condition of Ireland.

Her lips were so thick that they moved stiffly when she spoke or smiled.