Murders [noun]

Definition of Murders:


Synonyms of Murders:

Opposite/Antonyms of Murders:


Sentence/Example of Murders:

Murder had been done and Joe was the boy I was going to pin it on.

In that case he'd double back and come past Murder Point, trying to get out.

Murder would promptly be done, if he knew anything of the American.

In one thing only were they united—in their desire to see the last of Murder Point.

Murder—at least the type we're concerned with—is a form of release, you know.

It seems they rushed us aft together, gripped as we were, screaming 'Murder!'

Murder forbade me even as much as to look out of the windows.

It seems they rushed us aft together, gripped as we were, screaming “Murder!”

What would not Cromwell have given to suppress 'Killing no Murder'!

The pain was so exquisite that the victim shrieked "Murder!"