Musician [noun]

Definition of Musician:

person who performs music

Synonyms of Musician:

Opposite/Antonyms of Musician:


Sentence/Example of Musician:

It was easy to see that she was not a musician; but, as she forgot her listeners, we forgot everything but her.

What wonder if to her the music and the musician became one?

I am a musician—I play the violin on a boat till I strike—so now I will get you the music.

"He's something of a musician, too, now that I remember," added the young lady.

Or was he a musician—what Anna Sartorius called ein Musiker?

“Friedhelm is a musician, but he is not like thee,” he pursued.

And then, too, I was dismayed to find how totally I had mistaken the position of the musician.

A musician might extract some harmony from this chaos of noises, this jumble of sounds.

Clearly the musician is wise, and he who is not a musician is foolish.

One woman has a gift of healing, another not; one is a musician, and another has no music in her nature?