Myriads [adjective]
Definition of Myriads:
Sentence/Example of Myriads:
Besides the law of meat, there were a myriad other and lesser laws for him to learn and obey.
It swept toward the dome and dissociated into a myriad specks which were aircraft.
I saw a myriad of flashing lights, heard a tremendous crash, and—that was all.
Seven o'clock had already been rung by the myriad bells of Moscow.
The storm in the night had swelled the myriad creeks, and extended all morasses.
Their voices have the clash and chime of a myriad small triangles.
And at our feet, everywhere, a myriad entrances into the infinitely small.
It has taken the brute a myriad of years for his gaze to reach beyond them.
In the capture of a town the loss of a myriad men was thought nothing.
And at times, the air seemed darkened with the myriad birds which rose from the tall grass.