Nada [noun]

Definition of Nada:


Synonyms of Nada:

Opposite/Antonyms of Nada:

Sentence/Example of Nada:

Eric helped Nada to a place on the crystal, lay down at her side.

Was it possible that Nada and the Missioner had not escaped its fury?

Even if he guesses our way, the swamp will hold him back, Nada.

It was a little cry from Nada that drove the unreality away.

"No one has told me," and he was thinking of Nada, and her death.

The door of Nada's little room was open and he entered through it.

Nada Hawkins wasn't with him, and he didn't say who had died and who hadn't.

In the edge of the clearing, close to the thicket of timber, Nada had stopped.

In the cabin the Leaf Bud met them, and to her Nada spoke quickly.

He thrust them to the door, Nada with her bundle and Roger with his pack.