Napping [verb]

Definition of Napping:

take a short, light sleep

Synonyms of Napping:

Opposite/Antonyms of Napping:


Sentence/Example of Napping:

"My son seems to have caught us napping," said Lady Coryston, rather grimly.

How is it you know there is an ambuscade laid to catch us napping?

You cannot catch them napping, and you cannot turn their flank.

But I was aft, looking after the steering, and she did not catch me napping that time.

They have made a mistake indeed, if they think that they will catch us napping.

Next time Wade Miller and his gang will not catch us napping.

I was serving on a vessel whose mate was in the habit of napping when on duty.

They had caught him napping; and now, if they kept him waiting, he could not grumble.

Remember the way in which the fabric enters the napping machine.

They wouldn't catch him napping on board that Spanish vessel—not much!