Negotiating [noun]
Definition of Negotiating:
Opposite/Antonyms of Negotiating:
Sentence/Example of Negotiating:
They're negotiating now with the Rothschilds to limit the output of the Rio Tinto mines.
A general fight began even while the two chiefs were negotiating.
He also succeeded in negotiating a treaty of amity and commerce.
It was said indeed that the Duke was negotiating with Burgundy for its surrender.
Suppose A and B are negotiating for the sale and purchase of a piece of land.
We have been engaged a long time in negotiating a cartel of exchange.
The proivisional government of Poland was the while negotiating with France and Austria.
Therefore I think that the time for negotiating has now arrived.
And now the British are negotiating with us; in fact, they opened up these negotiations.
It is said that we shall never get such an opportunity again for negotiating.