Nepotisms [noun]
Definition of Nepotisms:
Sentence/Example of Nepotisms:
There is a sense in which corruption is not so narrow as nepotism.
American nepotism puts to shame the one practised in Europe.
So the charge of nepotism against the chief magistrate was weak.
As to his nepotism, simony, and fraud, there was no doubt at all.
It is poor Pitou, he said in accomplishing this act of nepotism.
The professoriate was grossly ignorant and conceited, and nepotism was rampant.
After all, I am rather a believer in nepotism, not too exaggerated.
She bids him destroy the nepotism and luxury that are ruining the Church.
These two plagues – cronyism and nepotism – haunt public procurement.
He has entered on the fatal path of nepotism, in which I shall decline to follow him.