Nestling [verb]

Definition of Nestling:

curl up

Synonyms of Nestling:

Opposite/Antonyms of Nestling:

Sentence/Example of Nestling:

The pigeons were roosting and nestling all over her, on her hands, her waist, and her shoulders.

"I'm too happy to be teased, Eric," she answered, nestling to his side.

"Ah, thou canst not," she whispered, nestling closer to him.

He obeyed, and she swung back again, nestling into the curve of his arm.

"I daresay not," she confessed, nestling the more closely in his arras.

"Oh, I slipped out," said Alicia, nestling beside her friend.

By her side, and nestling closely to her, is a young girl of fifteen,—her daughter.

Flavia slipped her hand into his, nestling to him, and he put his arm about her.

Nestling in a wad of cotton, was the pearl given to him by Burney.

The boy, nestling close to her side, began to chatter confidentially.