Neurasthenia [noun]

Definition of Neurasthenia:

extreme anxiety

Synonyms of Neurasthenia:

Opposite/Antonyms of Neurasthenia:

Sentence/Example of Neurasthenia:

Our time is certainly not worse off on the score of neurasthenia than its predecessors.

It is a perfect paradise for anyone who has not got neurasthenia.

Hazlitt's attraction to Rachel in the face of her neurasthenia did not confuse him.

The neurasthenia of the defendants he pursued in courts annoyed him only slightly.

The politer word, to be used chivalrously, was "neurasthenia."

This would seem to have been a case of hypnotism, rather than neurasthenia.

This, I am told by an authority, was a case of neurasthenia, or nerve-paralysis.

Neurasthenia is the "fatigue neurosis," as a leading expert terms it.

It was produced by every guest in the room whispering loudly, "Neurasthenia!"

So she drifts into neurasthenia and has fits of crying and periods of melancholia.