Nimbleness [noun]
Definition of Nimbleness:
Sentence/Example of Nimbleness:
Well, you shall acquire your nimbleness and strength by playing what is worth playing.
And I rubbed my hands, instantly pleased with myself and my nimbleness.
It climbs trees and explores them with great ease and nimbleness.
I took to my heels; but this was the vainest of stratagems, they beat me in nimbleness.
By-and-by, according to their nimbleness, they are elevated to "layers-on."
No man ever envies us the nimbleness by which we can elude logic and get at truth?
Her nimbleness and skill in dodging filled us with amazement.
They are lively and agile; they climb, run, and leap with as much grace as nimbleness.
Dufour leaped to his feet with the nimbleness and dangerous celerity of a tiger.
What Musa lost for lack of arms, was half returned in nimbleness.