Noblewomen [noun]

Definition of Noblewomen:

woman of noble birth

Synonyms of Noblewomen:

Opposite/Antonyms of Noblewomen:


Sentence/Example of Noblewomen:

Cats abound in the bailey, but they are not pets for noblewomen.

The noblemen wear a veil on one shoulder, and the noblewomen on the shoulders and round the loins, but everyone is barefooted.

Blessed are thou, Prakrita, for although you are of low caste, you will be a model for noblemen and noblewomen.

All the above advice to noblewomen is from contemporary etiquette books or clerical writers.

They can almost, at times, catch the swish and rustle of the rich dresses of the noblewomen.

The noblewomen of Graustark never wore bracelets on their wrists; always the wide chased gold band on the upper arm.

Faustina was endowed with the general healthiness with which Roman noblewomen were blessed.

Many of the noblewomen of the time devoted some hours at least every week to visiting the sick in the hospitals.

Many German noblewomen shoot and are quite as good shots as their husbands.

And if purity of soul and loving singleness of purpose be a proof of noble blood, she was surely one of nature's noblewomen.