Nor [conjunction]

Definition of Nor:

and not

Synonyms of Nor:

Opposite/Antonyms of Nor:


Sentence/Example of Nor:

We are introduced successively to the Palestinian, the Assimilator, and the Neither-here-nor-there.

Abnormal, ab-nor′mal, adj. not normal or according to rule: irregular—also Abnor′mous.

I have experienced many sandstorms in Takla-makan and the Lob-nor desert, but hardly any so bad as this was.

He gave me also much valuable information about the country round Nam-tso or Tengri-nor, where he was born.

Swinburne dismisses him in two lines: Maximilian is a good-natured, neither here-nor-there kind of youth.

Rhinortha, rī-nor′tha, n. a genus of cuckoos: a genus of hemipterous insects.

Gold was placed in the Gov-er-nor's hands to use as he pleased.

When Nor-roo-ing came into the town to acquaint us with the death of Yel-lo-way, she was perfectly a dismal sorrowing figure.

The Lake discharges its water north-westward or rather nor-north-westwards.

Marble was very good to me, in spite of his nor-west face, and never let slip an occasion to give a useful hint.