Noter [adjective]
Definition of Noter:
Synonyms of Noter:
● Stardom
● Glory
● Rep
● Kudos
● Mark
● Note
● Repute
● Eminence
● Prestige
● Acclaim
● Honor
● Luster
● éclat
Sentence/Example of Noter:
Of note in this case is the fact that Fitzpatrick had been a member of Amazon’s Influencer Program while the counterfeiting scheme was underway.
If a student doesn’t have their camera on, I don’t know if they’re taking notes, if they’re laying across the bed asleep.
Augusta National is normally a symphony, with each note from the gallery representing a different accomplishment from a specific player.
Which is the note we’re sounding by featuring these images, winners of the 2020 BigPicture Natural Photography Competition, sponsored by the California Academy of Sciences.
Slowing down seems to require them to “think more” when taking notes, he says.
Kussmaul took particular note of the swallower’s ability to relax the muscle that allows food into the esophagus, and to straighten the esophagus to allow the sword to enter.
He did figure out email and would often drop me notes that always included one of his famous trivia questions.
On the palate, expect flavors of peach and apricot, enhanced by hazelnut and floral notes.
So officials across the country have taken a note from Twitch and Instagram by installing a camera in ballot counting rooms and livestreaming the whole thing.
Initially, Coupe continued to be involved in the editorial process of Great Big Story projects, including providing notes on videos.