Nowheres [noun]

Definition of Nowheres:

state of uncertainty

Synonyms of Nowheres:

Opposite/Antonyms of Nowheres:

Sentence/Example of Nowheres:

I might have 'em around my grave in the buryin' ground,' I says, 'but nowheres else.'

Not with them poor babies in there hungrier'n you be an' nowheres to go.'

Hell meet me nowheres cept in the court-room down to Sconset!

Quinn—We've tried that for seven weeks, and it's taken us nowheres.

They're mostly Montanna raised, and they haven't been nowheres.

Eat your supper, Poil; not eating don't get you nowheres with your papa.

They don't try to get nowheres, but all they do is play rummy and take in the Majestic.

But not nowheres near as much English, if you could call it that.

And she had nowheres to go and she had always lived with them white folks.

“Oh, nowheres in particular,” said Winnie, with an absent air.