nuance [noun]

Definition of nuance:

(Noun) A subtle or slight difference in meaning, expression, sound, or feeling.

Synonyms of nuance:

Opposite/Antonyms of nuance:

Sentence/Example of nuance:

The artist captured the nuance of the sunset with delicate brushstrokes.

She understood the nuances of the language after living abroad for several years.

His performance was filled with subtle nuances that made it memorable.

The diplomat was skilled at negotiating the nuances of international relations.

The writer’s use of nuance added depth to the character’s personality.

Reading the original text revealed nuances that the translation missed.

The musician's interpretation of the piece brought out its many nuances.

He appreciated the nuances of her smile, which conveyed more than words ever could.

Understanding the nuances of human behavior is essential for a psychologist.

The chef added a pinch of spice to bring out the nuances in the dish.

The actor’s delivery highlighted the nuances in the script.

There is a nuance between being confident and being arrogant.

The painter's attention to nuance made the portrait lifelike.

The debate was rich with nuances that required careful listening to fully grasp.

The nuances of the political speech were lost on the uninformed audience.

She noticed the nuance in his tone that suggested he was not entirely pleased.

The critic praised the film for its emotional nuance.

Understanding the nuances of the contract is crucial before signing.

The perfume had a complex blend of scents, each with its own nuance.

The teacher explained the nuance of the historical event that changed its interpretation.

There was a nuance of profound bewilderment in her exclamation.

They do not understand me; the big noisy boors do not understand rhythm or nuance.

He was the master of the nuance, and the nuance was his lyricism, his special gift, his genius.

Of course I don't expect you, just at first, to feel the difference, to see the nuance.

The sand is fine as face powder, nuance Rachel, packed hard.

Never colour, only nuance—and the slash and sweep of a drastic imagination.

He is a nuance, and is the first German to understand women!

Introspective her glance, sympathetic and not without a nuance of melancholy.

Maurice Barrs is a metaphysical Chopin in his feeling for nuance.

They were artistic, but not artistic enough to appreciate the nuance of the story-telling art.