Occasional [adjective]
Definition of Occasional:
irregular, sporadic
Synonyms of Occasional:
● Unusual
● Rare
● Random
● Odd
● Casual
● Especial
● Few
● Scarce
● Seldom
● Special
● Specific
● Uncommon
Opposite/Antonyms of Occasional:
Sentence/Example of Occasional:
What followed Andrew could not hear, except an occasional roar from Rankin.
Burlesque of character and calling puts in an occasional appearance.
Only an occasional languid motion of the lids revealed the life that remained.
Only an occasional rasping cough testified to their presence.
All its gaiety consists in an occasional tree in a courtyard.
Of that I have enough; but occasional hard drinking is the devil to me.
Not a sound was heard but the moan of an occasional gust of wind.
How beautiful they are, and, even in their occasional absurdity, how sacred.
Occasional passages in his letters are very beautiful, and very sad.
Fine cauliflowers have been thus stored and kept for the occasional supply of the table until the middle of the following January.