On [adverb]

Definition of On:

in contact; ahead of

Synonyms of On:

Opposite/Antonyms of On:


Sentence/Example of On:

I drew back from the rim of Writing-On-the-Stone, that set of whispered phrases echoing in my ears.

Kingston-on-Thames is still provincial in appearance, though now the centre of a great growth of modern suburbs.

Besides the districts mentioned, tobacco is grown largely in that of Frankfort-on-the Oder.

Madame Malmaison had always been a little proud of the beauty and grace and sweetness of her fitter-on.

Berwick-on-Tweed lies partly in England and partly in Scotland, the river which runs through it forming the boundary line.

Louis the Goon Engel was a mere walk-on in the piece, a spear-carrier doomed to death.

From Kingston-on-Thames, the perfectly kept road closely follows the river.

Do not think of by-standers and lookers-on; think only of the individual to whom you are addressing yourself.

Afterward she ran on foot down the slope of the hill and joined the smiling crowd of lookers-on.

I have computed the figures for The Fatal Dowry in regard to double or feminine endings and run-on lines.