Ontological [adjective]

Definition of Ontological:

pertaining to the nature of existence

Synonyms of Ontological:

Opposite/Antonyms of Ontological:


Sentence/Example of Ontological:

The Ontological Argument has been presented in different forms.

There is a type of realism which illustrates the opposite or ontological method.

What is the ontological relationship between these three factors?

Associated words: ontology, metaphysics, ontological, ontologist.

The first is the physico-theological argument, the second the cosmological, the third the ontological.

It is through this door that ontological belief was supposed to enter.

The general requirement that predicates must conform to their subject, they translate into an ontological theory.

It was not very likely that the Pasha wanted to add to his past ontological researches upon the coloured races.

It is so with our consciousness of God; that is an ontological fact, a fact given in the nature of man.

The cosmic, ontological, or transcendent; finding God as the infinite Reality outside and beyond us.