Orchestral [adjective]

Definition of Orchestral:


Synonyms of Orchestral:

Opposite/Antonyms of Orchestral:


Sentence/Example of Orchestral:

Then there was an orchestral interval, during which the tables filled.

In the orchestral setting it is very brief, and it cannot be done on the piano.

After Chopin, Thalberg, and Henselt, the orchestral school had its sway—it still has.

The orchestral colouring is said to be thoroughly exquisite.

May Fate preserve the orchestral conductor from their co-operation.

The postlude is orchestral, with the chorus speaking above the music.

It is one of the most important of American orchestral works.

He will not be content to study his own part only, but will study the orchestral score which accompanies it.

Daniel had just completed an orchestral work which he had entitled “Vineta.”

The other orchestral works given were all of minor importance.