Outcrops [noun]
Definition of Outcrops:
Sentence/Example of Outcrops:
In my belief, simply an outcrop of sincerity—of fidelity to mood, to impression, to self.
Somewhere in here began an outcrop of rock running east for miles.
The shelf which had caught him was the broader part of a long edge of outcrop.
At this point an effort would be made against the outcrop of his thoughts.
The frequent recurrence of outcrop and angle made this comparatively easy.
This outcrop is oxidized, and being free, is easily amalgamated with mercury.
This line runs seawards to the east and its strength is shown in its outcrop.
It has a northwest exposure and is very near the top of the outcrop.
In both cases the apparent anomaly is the outcrop of a deeper law.
The mouth of the bay was dotted with an outcrop of toothlike rocks.