Overlord [noun]
Definition of Overlord:
Opposite/Antonyms of Overlord:
Sentence/Example of Overlord:
Ramiro del' Orca is a traitor who is plotting the death of his overlord.
Man is becoming the overlord of the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms.
Now, and for the first time, I knew the sea, and the men who overlord the sea.
That is, not the overlord himself, but the gentlefolks that were with the overlord.
He retired to a neighbouring village and became the overlord of the district.
But Lund was their overlord, their better, and they knew it.
Can the overlord rede the heart of the villein that feedeth him?
Hence the Mercian king must then have been the overlord of London.
Stand, whoever you are, in the name of the overlord of Croixilia!
No addition could be made to the house without the consent of the overlord.