Overstocks [noun]
Definition of Overstocks:
Synonyms of Overstocks:
● Surfeit
● Glut
● Fat
● Overflow
● Balance
● Overrun
● Excess
● Overage
● Overmuch
● Plethora
● Plus
● Residue
● Too much
● Overkill
Sentence/Example of Overstocks:
When the price of wool is high, the farmers are too reluctant to sell off their sheep, and thus become liable to an overstock.
But it is not an overstock, for they have all India as a prey.
Not until he had accumulated an overstock of bridge-iron did he think of using iron for the frames of buildings.
I hear the skeptic say: You will overstock the market, and your fruit will not pay the cost of transportation.
At times, such is the overstock of importations, that goods are sold at lower prices in Valparaiso than in Europe.
Some people think it possible to overstock a district with bees; but we do not think it ever has occurred in Great Britain.
You see there was no overstock of modesty among us, more than there is among most healthy boys.
If you overstock your garden, it will give you many pangs to see how the plants in it suffer from the effect of crowding.