Oversupply [noun]
Definition of Oversupply:
Synonyms of Oversupply:
● Glut
● Residue
● Surfeit
● Plethora
● Overmuch
● Fat
● Overage
● Plus
● Excess
● Overflow
● Balance
● Overrun
● Too much
● Overkill
Sentence/Example of Oversupply:
In some sections there is an oversupply of such labor; in other sections a shortage.
Attractive prices will be made on sets of those reports of which we have an oversupply.
The making of cheese was known in ancient times, it having probably originated through a desire to utilize an oversupply of milk.
The same thing may be said of acid foods; that is, an oversupply of these is just as distasteful as too many bland foods.
Nay, Fleur-de-Marie, we should never find fault with an oversupply of happiness.
Nature IS an efficiency expert and doesn't give you an oversupply of anything without demanding that you use it.
A few in well-chosen locations will look infinitely better than an oversupply.
Everywhere places are waiting for the right man, while at the same time we find everywhere an oversupply of mediocre aspirants.
I think that Persian walnut trees pay better than apples, and that there is no danger of an oversupply.
His full face, which was already red from the oversupply of blood, turned crimson.