Ovoid [adjective]

Definition of Ovoid:


Synonyms of Ovoid:

Opposite/Antonyms of Ovoid:


Sentence/Example of Ovoid:

There were the odd, ovoid figures of the aviators in their silken overalls.

However, Nazu pointed to the ovoid and showed his willingness to help the strangers.

Mingling with the barbarians unsuspected, he might get possession of the ovoid.

Its seeds are ovoid, very smooth, encircled by a narrow wing.

These are uniform and spherical, not unequal and ovoid, like those of arrow-root.

They are globular, ovoid, or pyriform, and are sold by the individual pearl.

The former are mouths, but the function of the ovoid bodies is not known.

(1/8 inch) long, ovoid or ovoid-lanceolate, on pedicels 1-2 mm.

Calculi may be globular, ovoid, cylindrical, and truncated cones.

The spores are ovoid, and have a minutely verrucose or warty surface.