Pallium [noun]
Definition of Pallium:
Opposite/Antonyms of Pallium:
Sentence/Example of Pallium:
Above the stola, women wore a mantle called palla or pallium.
When, you go out with me everyone looks round as if I had a stain on my pallium.
Peter is giving the pallium to the Pope, and a standard to Charlemagne.
To the base of each bullet is attached a thin wire of pallium.
He acknowledged Urban as Pope, and conferred the pallium upon Anselm.
He removed another revolver from under his pallium, offering it to Trent.
But it is unusual to paint him with the pallium, and with a book in his hand.
Last but one walks the Archbishop, and last of all follows the bearer of the Pallium.
Did he receive the Pallium from Rome, sent by special Papal messengers?
On reaching the church the Pallium is reverently laid on the high altar.