Parallelisms [noun]

Definition of Parallelisms:


Opposite/Antonyms of Parallelisms:

Sentence/Example of Parallelisms:

There is, therefore, usually a parallelism and consistency in their great 5.

Or is this merely assigned to them by way of parallelism with men?

I cannot persuade myself that this parallelism is an accident or an illusion.

But here in Serres' 081doctrine of parallelism a complication enters.

The law of parallelism applied not only to Vertebrates but also to Invertebrates.

We have seen what were von Baer's criticisms of the theory of parallelism.

That only so much is quoted as may exhibit the parallelism; and, 3.

In those there was much similarity, indeed, in many respects a parallelism.

Here again we find a parallelism, as in case of music scales, etc.

I said a little while ago that parallelism was a perfected materialism.