Paraphernalia [noun]

Definition of Paraphernalia:

equipment, belongings

Synonyms of Paraphernalia:

Opposite/Antonyms of Paraphernalia:


Sentence/Example of Paraphernalia:

You might overlook the most important part of my paraphernalia; and really I am not damaged.

He might have been accorded a Roman triumph had there been time and paraphernalia.

He recalled that the rest of his paraphernalia had gone to the bottom with the May Schofield.

He would have been glad to banish all the paraphernalia of war.

The tents were struck and all the paraphernalia of the camp was returned to the three vans.

Its sides were emblazoned with escutcheons, insignia and other paraphernalia.

At last Harry turned to his paraphernalia and rolled up his sleeves.

The paraphernalia of Kensky's hobby still lay upon its surface.

The room was still littered with the paraphernalia of first-aid.

On it he had spread his paraphernalia for this battle—if battle it could be called.