Parlances [noun]
Definition of Parlances:
Synonyms of Parlances:
● Patois
● Argot
● Jargon
● Lingo
● Dialect
● Diction
● Language
● Locution
● Speech
● Phrase
● Tongue
● Talk
● Localism
Sentence/Example of Parlances:
It was a case, in the parlance of thieves and police, of “rail-roading.”
There is my cradle, after the flesh; my native land—in the parlance of the men of these days!
They took me by surprise—in Western parlance, got the drop on me.
A term singularly, but very often, misapplied in parlance for orbit.
They all went to church Sabbath morning, in the old Puritan parlance.
In the parlance of the saints you do 'want to keep your lamps lit.'
“They” in Percival parlance alluded to the various tenants on the estate.
A combe, in west of England parlance, is a deep, ravinelike valley.
In the parlance of the Lieutenant, the old horse was indeed "a ripper."
Mary of Magdala had been, according to the parlance of the age, possessed with seven devils.