Parrot [verb]
Definition of Parrot:
Synonyms of Parrot:
Opposite/Antonyms of Parrot:
Sentence/Example of Parrot:
But I cal'late there was a parrot and monkey time among the help from then on.
This feller's got what ailed the parrot—he talks too darn much.
Polly was prattling like a parrot, but Glory was silent and almost sad.
In one of them there stood a golden cage, and in it was a Parrot.
She was sorry to part with her parrot, but after all it was only a bird.
My friend Ethel has a parrot that her father brought from South America.
She did not answer, and after waiting a moment the parrot said, "What?"
My grandma is visiting us this summer, and she has her parrot with her.
A parrot would have added that I had given him no right to be jealous.
I walked through the inn to the garden, and looked at the parrot.