Passively [adverb]

Definition of Passively:


Synonyms of Passively:

Opposite/Antonyms of Passively:


Sentence/Example of Passively:

Passively, he let Harry take him by the arm, and lead him on.

She now decided that he was not; he was passively antagonistic.

Choked with tears, I passively let him raise my hand to his lips.

But it does not scruple to mark its disapproval by passively hindering him at every turn.

He set his hands on her shoulders, she suffering it passively, insensibly.

Couldn't she know for herself, passively, how little harm they meant her?

He submitted to being hauled up the beach, passively, like a sack.

Or in what other way could it have arisen, since scales are also passively useful parts?

When he commands what is unlawful we must obey him passively.

Then Mannering was announced, and Mannering was a man I had learned to passively dislike.