Peachy [adjective]
Definition of Peachy:
Opposite/Antonyms of Peachy:
Sentence/Example of Peachy:
Perry was made from pears, as cider is from apples, and peachy from peaches.
Can't we make a peachy wagon with these if we find two more?
"My uncle sent me a peachy pair of boxing gloves," Sid continued.
Silvey said the ice was fine yesterday, and everything'll be peachy.
"You ought always to wear yellow," Peachy said to her afterwards.
"I dare say it would but it's not an easy business," said Peachy gloomily.
Peachy twice began to tell her something, but was stopped by Delia.
Delia was clinging to Peachy, and Lorna held Irene's arm tightly.
At the end of a rose pergola, however, Peachy made a discovery.
The fact was that Peachy's crouching position had grown intolerable.