Pecker [adjective]

Definition of Pecker:


Synonyms of Pecker:

Opposite/Antonyms of Pecker:

Sentence/Example of Pecker:

I think we shall run in the kidnappers; keep your pecker up.

But that's ontry nous, dont cher know; keep my pecker hup proper out 'ere.

Keep your pecker up, James,' he added, in a tone which the patron and the bully spoke at once.

The pecker P (also tempered hard) is mounted on the cast-iron weight W, which in turn is pivoted on the valve lever L.

This effectually prevents any sticking, should a superfluity of oil happen to get on either block or pecker.

John he married a Pecker girl, and got his match too; she was the only living soul he ever was afraid of.

But that's entry nous, dont cher know; keep my pecker hup proper out 'ere.

Ta-ta, old man; keep your pecker up till I come, and then mind your eye!

The clue I've let slip, but you just take my tip; we'll get clear—if you keep up your pecker!

Keep up your pecker, my hearty; you'll make yer fortune when Mr. Barnum sees yer!