Pekoe [noun]
Definition of Pekoe:
Opposite/Antonyms of Pekoe:
Sentence/Example of Pekoe:
He had been a tea-merchant for a little longer, but had soon tired of pekoe and souchong.
The Pekoe is a particular kind of tea-shrub, the leaves of which are all black on the one side, and all white on the other.
This changes the quality of the Pekoe, for these leaves being scarcely formed, can have very little sap or flavour.
The best black teas in general use are pekoe and pouchong; the best green teas are imperial, young hyson, and gunpowder.
He hunted out a little tea shop, where he meditated over three cups of pekoe and hot buttered toast.
The second leaves make the tea called "orange pekoe," while the third leaves produce a grade of tea called simply "pekoe."