Penalized [verb]
Definition of Penalized:
Synonyms of Penalized:
● Chastise
● Fine
● Chasten
● Handicap
● Scold
● Dock
● Mulct
● Judge
● Amerce
● Correct
● Condemn
● Hit with
Opposite/Antonyms of Penalized:
Sentence/Example of Penalized:
As a result Kentfield got the ball, and her opponent was penalized ten yards.
It shamed a wife and son; it blackened the doors of a home; it penalized a family.
The man who has saved would be penalized; he who has wasted would be favoured.
You penalized Westby a yard for fouling, I heard; is that so?
I thought that in case of foul a fellow had to be penalized.
A tenant could be penalized for not cultivating his holding properly.
Hillton was penalized for holding, and the ball was on her three yards!
Every person convicted of drunkenness shall be penalized 5s.
Desertion by a soldier is penalized by forfeiture of all land and property.
So eager did the Randallites get at one stage that they played off-side, and were penalized ten yards.