Pepper [noun]
Definition of Pepper:
flavoring for food
Synonyms of Pepper:
Opposite/Antonyms of Pepper:
Sentence/Example of Pepper:
Season with the salt and pepper, heat thoroughly, and serve.
Add the milk, butter, salt, and pepper and return the clams.
Pour in the heated liquid and season with the salt and pepper.
Remove from the broiler, season with salt and pepper, and serve.
Season with salt, pepper, and the juice of the lemon or the vinegar.
Remove from the fat, drain, and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
Season the mixture with salt and pepper and fill the shells with it.
Will she require me to look after her in the matter of pepper and salt?
Lay them, on a hot dish, and butter and pepper them before they go to table.
Season the meat with pepper and salt, and pour on it six quarts of water.