Perceptibly [adverb]
Definition of Perceptibly:
Opposite/Antonyms of Perceptibly:
Sentence/Example of Perceptibly:
Since yesterday, her interest in Miss Morton had perceptibly increased.
Yet returning to it the men did not perceptibly hurry their steps.
Yet she had no sooner uttered the words than she perceptibly blushed.
I have never seen—and hope I never may—any other being age so swiftly and perceptibly.
When he raised his eyes again the jungle was perceptibly darker.
From that hour Camille began to get better very slowly, yet perceptibly.
"What's right's right, Malcolm," answered his wife, pouting just perceptibly.
He looked at his hands in disgust, and perceptibly shivered.
The cry, often suppressed for minutes at a time, was perceptibly nearer.
His hair, which he wore free from powder, was perceptibly tinged with grey.