Periled [verb]

Definition of Periled:


Synonyms of Periled:

Opposite/Antonyms of Periled:






Sentence/Example of Periled:

It would have periled his safety had she attempted to share his asylum.

Sometimes it seemed to her that every thought was a prayer for that periled soul.

I have periled my life to assist thee—not by mine own will, by Heaven!

I have periled my life for him, and would do the same again.'

Whitman periled every thing and lost his life to save the country.

And the poor slaves, for whom he periled so much, into what depths of hopelessness and woe are they again plunged!

I was truly sorry to hear of the fate of that poor fellow who had periled so much for liberty.

More than that, she felt she had periled her life in that moment of folly, and that this man—this hero—had saved her.

Senor Perkins is a liberator, a patriot, who has periled himself and his country to treat us magnanimously.

On that word believe that Madame de Selinville is as spotless a matron as when she periled herself to save my life.