persnickety [adjective]

Definition of persnickety:

Fussy; overly concerned with minor details; picky.

Synonyms of persnickety:

Opposite/Antonyms of persnickety:

Sentence/Example of persnickety:

This persnickety approach is forcing some companies to shape up.

She's a persnickety eater who only likes bland food.

He's a persnickety dresser who always matches his socks to his shirt.

She's a persnickety teacher who insists on perfect spelling and grammar.

He's a persnickety boss who expects his employees to do everything exactly his way.

She's a persnickety housekeeper who insists on everything being spotless.

He's a persnickety gardener who spends hours weeding his flower beds.

She's a persnickety cook who insists on using only the freshest ingredients.

He's a persnickety driver who gets upset if someone cuts him off in traffic.

She's a persnickety shopper who spends hours comparing prices.

He's a persnickety critic who finds fault with everything.

She's a persnickety seamstress who insists on perfect stitches.

He's a persnickety painter who spends hours perfecting the details of his work.

She's a persnickety reader who insists on books with no errors.

He's a persnickety collector who only buys items in mint condition.

She's a persnickety pet owner who insists on grooming her dog every day.

He's a persnickety musician who insists on perfect pitch.

She's a persnickety chef who insists on using only the finest herbs and spices.

He's a persnickety gardener who insists on pruning his plants to perfection.

She's a persnickety housekeeper who insists on dusting every surface in the house.

He's a persnickety driver who insists on driving the speed limit exactly.