pertinacious [adjective]

Definition of pertinacious:

Holding firmly to an opinion or course of action; stubbornly persistent.

Synonyms of pertinacious:

Opposite/Antonyms of pertinacious:

Sentence/Example of pertinacious:

The defense attorney was pertinacious in questioning the witness.

His pertinacious pursuit of the truth led to a major discovery.

The child was remarkably pertinacious in asking for a puppy.

The salesman's pertinacious efforts finally paid off with a sale.

Her pertinacious optimism helped her overcome many obstacles.

The politician's pertinacious stance on the issue angered many voters.

The detective was pertinacious in his search for the missing person.

The company's pertinacious pursuit of profit led to environmental damage.

The athlete's pertinacious training regimen resulted in a championship win.

The student's pertinacious questions challenged the professor.

The negotiator was pertinacious in securing a favorable deal.

The activist's pertinacious campaign for social justice gained widespread support.

The writer's pertinacious dedication to her craft produced a bestselling novel.

The child's pertinacious refusal to eat vegetables was a constant struggle.

The scientist's pertinacious research led to a groundbreaking discovery.

The hiker's pertinacious determination to reach the summit was inspiring.

The coach's pertinacious belief in his team led to an unexpected victory.

The soldier's pertinacious defense of the position saved countless lives.

The entrepreneur's pertinacious spirit helped build a successful business.

The patient's pertinacious fight against cancer was an inspiration to many.

The detective's pertinacious investigation finally uncovered the truth.

The politician's pertinacious support for the bill angered the opposition.

The child's pertinacious whining drove her parents crazy.

The writer's pertinacious search for the perfect word was admirable.

The gardener's pertinacious weeding resulted in a beautiful flower bed.

And it was the presence of that pertinacious ship-chandler which had started them.

Behind these was the agent, punctual and pertinacious, who had come for the rent.

And he escaped from pertinacious Mr. Dawson with some alacrity.

Again they laughed at the child's pertinacious fancy for a night-ramble.

"They are not the only pertinacious ones," the priest replied.

That is what it was to have a pertinacious father and to be an accommodating son.

Most unwilling was that guest, most pertinacious that mariner.

He appeared, as before, very unwilling; but I was pertinacious, and he was worried into it.

"Troth, an' I have her safe," replied the pertinacious Dandy.

The jackdaw is the most pertinacious usurper that can be imagined.