Phonations [noun]

Definition of Phonations:


Synonyms of Phonations:

Opposite/Antonyms of Phonations:


Sentence/Example of Phonations:

He has also a tic of phonation dating back to his fifteenth year.

Tics of phonation are often superadded to the gesticulations of variable chorea.

Phonation and respiration are implicated as well as articulation.

But the vocal cords are wedded in phonation, and by their attrition the node is formed.

The whole larynx, so far as phonation is concerned, may be said to exist for the true vocal bands.

Of course, in phonation the vocal bands are never so much separated as shown in the illustrations.

The crico-thyroid may be considered the most important muscle of phonation, because it is so much used and so effective.

We would again urge that in every instance of phonation in either speaker or singer, the breath be taken through the open mouth.

The spiritus asper is caused by a too slow contraction of the vocal cords and their too gradual approach for phonation.

In reality, however, the paralysis does not lie in the cords themselves, but in the leading muscles that control in phonation.