Phonetic [adjective]
Definition of Phonetic:
pertaining to speech sounds
Opposite/Antonyms of Phonetic:
Sentence/Example of Phonetic:
Every alternate page was in the phonetic Indian symbols, of which more hereafter.
The use of phonetic transcription, however, is a moot question.
Phonetic: sound producing; applied to stridulating structures.
The sitters also were often in rows—with a slight (phonetic) difference.
It was not phonetic, nor was it etymological; it was simply Ritsonian.
In most cases, indeed, the phonetic reading is unknown or uncertain.
This phonetic writing furnishes the reading for Nin in Nin-Klgal.
I heard the name that time, but I can make no attempt, phonetic or other, to spell it.
The principle on which the characters are formed is the phonetic.
Phonetic characters or signs were those expressive of sounds.