Photographing [verb]

Definition of Photographing:

take a picture with a camera

Synonyms of Photographing:

Opposite/Antonyms of Photographing:

Sentence/Example of Photographing:

Within the room Mr. Alkaloid was photographing the dead poodle.

By the way, how did you get on with your photographing yesterday afternoon, Archie?

There is an auto with a motion-picture camera on top of it photographing our car.

Photographing from the nude is not the fad of the harlot alone.

“Photographing in a swamp is too rich for my blood,” commented Phil.

“Photographing a fox,” explained Sid, and then he told the whole story.

Up there on the rises I succeeded in stalking some sheep and in photographing them.

We stayed behind, for the purpose of photographing the pack when in mid-stream.

The plans for photographing the successive phases were most perfect.

Let us assume that we are photographing a red object, a flower-pot for instance.