Physics [noun]

Definition of Physics:


Opposite/Antonyms of Physics:

Sentence/Example of Physics:

The need of man, in physics as well as in higher things, is the guide to truth.

It is true, however, that the Timaeus is by no means confined to speculations on physics.

There is an ethical universal or idea, but is there also a universal of physics?

How calmly and genially the mind apprehends one after another the laws of physics!

Thus even in physics, the material is degraded before the spiritual.

Used to do quite a bit of valuable work in various fields of physics.

But with regard to everyday occurrences a study of physics is necessary.

This is not because the details of trigonometry are all needed in physics.

"I'm going to phone the college and ask a physics man about it," Micheals said.

I followed him across to the Physics Building and into his littered laboratory.