Pickers [noun]
Definition of Pickers:
Opposite/Antonyms of Pickers:
Sentence/Example of Pickers:
It is no small matter to keep a picking account with pickers.
"That's what they have," said Blueberry Tom, who was with the other pickers.
In very dry weather, the stems come off with the pod, and pickers cannot do as well.
You see, you're better than most pickers, because you're so cheerful.
Gangs of pruners, pickers, and packers are shifted and shunted as the crop demands.
Even in 1909 the Stendhal excavators are busy with their pickers and stealers.
I sort only into first class and culls, as emptied by the pickers on canvas-covered tables.
We'll see dozens of pickers on the other side of the mountain, probably.
The cotton is gathered into baskets hung from the shoulders of the pickers.
Thus cornered, the woman was obliged to go on settling with the pickers.