Pigskins [noun]

Definition of Pigskins:

the ball used in football

Synonyms of Pigskins:

Opposite/Antonyms of Pigskins:


Sentence/Example of Pigskins:

Time after time he took the pigskin and landed it for a gain.

Roberts was out of position and the pigskin was intercepted by the Claflin quarter.

With the pigskin on Claflin's thirteen-yard line a score seemed certain.

Not even a pigskin document case or an overcoat with bulgy pockets.

The old record-book, bound in pigskin, reposed on the rector's shelves.

The seats of good saddles are generally of pigskin, and the flaps of cow-hide.

He got the pigskin and skinned down the field like a blue streak, and—but, ahem!

Ten minutes of play found the pigskin near the center of the field.

Monty looked at the pigskin pouch as his friend handed it to him.

The papers I want are in a pigskin cigarette case, old and worn.