Pilferers [noun]

Definition of Pilferers:


Opposite/Antonyms of Pilferers:



Sentence/Example of Pilferers:

Dear Mr. Pilferer,—In answer to your note, I have nothing to say of any interest.

Now we've caught the pilferer, and we'll make an example of her!

He was no pilferer, and scorned to carry off so mean a booty.

Mercury, says he, a pilferer by trade, loves his nails too well to let them be pared.

What have you done with my piece of writing paper, you pilferer?

Again Theodora and I watched for the pilferer, and captured the cunning creature in the act.

The whole school had gone distracted, but the pilferer was too clever to be caught.

“The pilferer grabs the dole” (sportulam furunculus captat) was a proverb.

It was not possible that this was a bad man, a stealer of children, a pilferer of old men's cupboards.

The Pilferer will not be a colourless reflection of public opinion for the time being.