Piston [noun]

Definition of Piston:


Synonyms of Piston:

Opposite/Antonyms of Piston:


Sentence/Example of Piston:

He employed a cylinder 12 centimeters in diameter fitted with a piston.

If steam is forced into the cylinder the piston will be forced to the opposite end of the cylinder.

It will be seen that a groove, M, is cut around the piston near the top.

The momentum of the flywheel A pushes the piston upward, closing these holes.

This cylinder block is soldered to the piston as shown in Fig. 56.

A flywheel keeps an engine going between the strokes of the piston.

The diameter of piston is four inches and the length of stroke is six inches.

One here is shown with the piston detached, and also ready for use.

He depressed the piston, pumping the antidote into her bloodstream.

It has been used in piston rods and crank shafts for American airplanes.