Polarization [noun]

Definition of Polarization:


Synonyms of Polarization:

Opposite/Antonyms of Polarization:

Sentence/Example of Polarization:

This condition is called "polarization," and to prevent it has been the aim of all inventors.

Explain how the fact of polarization affects the wave theory of light.

Nature of Light; wave theory, interference, polarization, significance.

He stepped up the polarization, his body clouded, and cooled once more.

Its disappearance seemed to substantiate the polarization theory.

The polarization of light by reflection was discovered by Malus, in 1809.

The phenomena of polarization, however, still remained unexplained.

In 1813 Seebeck discovered the polarization of light by tourmaline.

But by polarization the rays may be separated, and the result is two distinct rays, having different vibrations.

What are the chief deductions from the phenomena observed under the polarization of light?