Polygons [noun]
Definition of Polygons:
closed plane figure
Opposite/Antonyms of Polygons:
Sentence/Example of Polygons:
The trace of the walls was a polygon not unlike a capital L.
The Germans do not appear to have penetrated into the Polygon Wood at any point.
The view from the Polygon monument is desolation on all sides.
There was room there for making every sort of triangle or polygon.
It will be understood that an n-side is different from a polygon of n sides.
For this polygon the other three problems mentioned are not solved.
That is, in the second of these figures the shaded portion is not considered a polygon.
It will be noticed that Euclid did not use or define the word "polygon."
It was only in Polygon Wood that they obtained the slightest success.
You will find that if the radius of the circle be one, the side of the polygon is .264, etc.